DIPPER™ Gene Editing for Optimized Crop Performance

Addressing the Challenges of Gene Editing

Traditional gene editing primarily focuses on gene knockout to achieve desirable changes. 

However, enhancing gene expression requires precise knowledge of where to make changes in the DNA.
DIPPER™ addresses this challenge by providing a high-throughput discovery platform that identifies the optimal locations for gene editing. This enables the enhancement of vital crop traits.

What is DIPPER™?

DIPPER™ is a disruptive technology designed to optimize gene editing in crops. 

It is the first and only platform capable of identifying the precise changes required in target DNA for increasing native genes expression level, thus enhancing crop performance.

How Does DIPPER™ Work?

Utilizing a high-throughput platform, DIPPER™ allows seed companies to rapidly scan and test tens of thousands of potential genetic enhancements directly within plants. 

This process identifies the most effective modifications needed to achieve optimal gene and crop performance.

Complementary to Gene-Editing Technologies

DIPPER™ serves as a preliminary tool, potentially becoming a prerequisite for the optimal use of CRISPR and other gene-editing technologies. By identifying the best loci for editing, DIPPER™ ensures that gene-editing efforts are more effective in enhancing native gene expression in crops.

Versatility Across Traits and Crops

DIPPER™ is suitable for a wide range of traits and can be applied to any crop. Some of the key traits that can be enhanced using DIPPER™ include:

– Herbicide Tolerance

– Nutritional Enhancements (e.g., increased protein and oil levels)

– Drought Resistance and Abiotic Stress Tolerance